Urban Water Optioneering Tool
UWOT is a decision-support tool that allows users to compare different water management technologies (including water s…
UWOT is a decision-support tool that allows users to compare different water management technologies (including water s…
Electrodialysis (ED) is an electrochemical separation process that (selectively) transports ions through electrostatica…
The immobilised high rate anaerobic reactor, also known as advanced anaerobic technology (AAT) can be applied in wastew…
If two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are neighboured, but controlled separately, a joint control system can enhan…
The Metabolic Network Reactor (MNR) technology is Biopolus’ patented 3rd generation Integrated Fixed-film Activated Slu…
Wastewater treatment and water reuse by implementing circular economy principles is an alternative source of water supp…
IVAR Sentralrenseanlegg Nord-Jæren WWTP (SNJ) receives wastewater from over 300,0…