info Publication

Kim J., Lanham A., Hunt A., Jotcham N., Williams H., Hofman J., D1.8 (2022) Greenfield implementation in Filton Airfield, 2022


Filton Airfield (United Kingdom) is the case to be developed as a showcase by demonstrating the feasibility of circular solutions supporting a circular economy transition in the water sector. NextGen activities involved closing the water, energy and materials cycles to improve urban resource management. Thus, the NextGen circular solutions are applied to the greenfield implementation in Filton Airfield which will be developed as an attractive and sustainable area. Implementing circular solutions in practice requires a clear overview of benefits and challenges to identify opportunities for greater resource recovery efficiency. As an urban water management solution, a feasibility assessment of rainwater harvesting (RWH) from the rooftop of the residential buildings and commercial YTL Arena for non-potable purposes, including washing machine, toilet flushing, irrigation and the combined use of toilet flushing and irrigation, depending on scenarios. In addition, A decentralised hybrid rainwater harvesting (RWH) and greywater reuse (GWR) system was further assessed for use in residential and commercial buildings. As an energy recovery approach, there were two scenarios for assessing heat recovery potential and its reuse: (1) residential area consisting of conventional houses and (2) residential area consisting of so-called ecohouses (i.e., houses with water-saving appliances). The total heat recovery potential is highly dependent on wastewater flow rates. This study provides practical insight into the applicability of local heat recovery and its reuse in Filton Airfield. In addition, the local recovery potential of nutrients from wastewater and local application as a fertilizer in the green spaces in the Filton area was investigated using a stochastic household wastewater discharge model. Finally, this study explored the future opportunities and constraints in the policy and regulations and finally proposed recommendations.

Publication type

Product, Tool or Service

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Case study

Issued publications that refer to the application of tool/technology to the case study/Living Lab.